Every few months, when we have enough people to stage it, we have a night where we have a Warhammer 40,000 Apocalypse game. Here is a gallery of photos from the 2d6 Apocalypse game we had in August 2013.
We’ll update this post when we remember who won! 🙂
1 : Setup for the big battle!
2 : Setup for the big battle! (again! It is to be a big battle, after all!)
3 : One mighty general takes advice on the battleplan.
4 : A Stompa, a warhound and two death chickens make plans of their own!
5 : The forces of evil finally begin to get their act together!
6 :Finally! Battle is joined and the two forces advance!
7 : So many D weapons!
8 : Our plucky general guides his Lieutenants!
9 : A Linebreaker moment!
10 : Does our Warhound know what is behind him?
11 : Ssssh! If we’re quiet, he won’t notice us!
12 : Bring out the Apocalyptic Tape Measure!!
13 : Brick Top looks concerned as the battle progresses
14 : A dispute arises over the correct way to eat snacks at the table
15 : Our general watches as the Death Chickens fly onto the table
16 : As flyers and titans engage, the audience gathers
17 : More demons on your own baseline is never a good sign!
18 : The horror of vile Slaaneshi acts of defilement upsets even the most ardent Khornite Warrior!
19 : Our general at his finest hour, directing his lieutenants and their troops.
20 : And yet, the fighting continues …
21 : The end is nigh, as despite the loss of titans, Imperal assets are overwhelmed!