Harry’s First Post!!!

Hello everybody 🙂

My name is Harry and this is my first post as an administrator for the 2D6 Lodge website.

I was one of the first founders of the 2D6 club and am frequently found at the club on Friday nights. I have been part of the hobby world since I was 11 years old and played games such as Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Fantasy, Malifaux, Guildball, Deadzone, Dreadball and will soon be playing Halo: Fleet Battle coming from Spartan Games when it is released on Monday 20th July 2015.

Most of my future posts will include details of what happens at the club nights as well as photos from the night, projects that I am personally working on and upcoming games and releases.

Looking forward to seeing people at the club soon and posting online in the future.